no2Do I Ching oracle


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The I Ching oracle no2DO is a small guide for all situations of life.Similar to the classic coin or yarrow oracle you ask the no2Do oracle mentally. By swiping or tapping 6 times on the playground, the answer of the oracle is obtained in the form of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching.The I Ching (Chinese 易經, yì jing, W.-G. I Ching, auch: I Jing, YI Ching, Yi King; "The Book of Changes") is based on cosmology and philosophy of ancient China, particularly Daoism (Taoism). Basic ideas behind the I Ching include balance of opposites and acceptance of change. The book describes the world in 64 images which in turn consist sets of six continuous (Yang) or broken (Yin) lines (= one hexagram). The I Ching is treasured both for wisdom and prophecy.Hexagrams as situative descriptionsno2DO offer yet another, an experi­mental model of inter­pretation, one that understands the hexagrams as situative descrip­tions, showing their intrinsic dynamics within a natural path of development. Basis for this approach is the 5-element theory, which finds its daily use in Classical Acupuncture and the psychological functions of the meridians.
The hexagrams are interpreted modern and traditionally. Furthermore, their structure and the changes are described. All hexagrams can be specifically selected and displayed from the full list.
In addition, all trigrams, which result from the hexagrams are described and a glossary gives more information about the I Ching to no2DO etc.
Multilingual: english, german